Sunday, January 5, 2014

Using single-word, phrasal and clause modifiers as adjectives

     In this activity some of the questions or sentences confused me while I’m answering this test, so I tried my best to answer this correctly. I read it carefully; I spent lots of time while reading then after that I write the best answer that I know. I got some errors, but it’s okay because I’m contented with my score.  

Word Pair Analogies

     In this activity I got a total of 18 points out of 20. This activity was easy; this only needs common sense and a little bit knowledge. I got 2 wrong answers because I got confused in the question.       

Passive And Active Voice

This activity about passive and active voice was easy but sometimes you will be confused. I got few mistakes only and some are perfect scores. This lesson was fun and you can easily understand this lesson.

Evaluating !


     This grading period was awesome for me because we had some activities that make this grading exciting, fun and memorable not just for me but also in my other classmates. Evaluating myself according to my own was 8 out of 10 because I tried my best this grading but I didn't make all the efforts that I can give in some outputs. But I was glad that I together with my group did something great that make this grading more memorable and that is because our group won the BEST GROUP AWARD in our cosplay which is the grand award. I totally like this grading because of fun and we learning something in academic and make us gain more self-confidence.   

My Goals

Short term goal
  My short term goal this grading was to get a passing score in our incoming test, get higher grades in all my subjects and also to use the knowledge I get from the lessons we had this grading period. I also want to pass all my requirements needed in all of my subjects. Do something for those troubles I had inside the school. Lastly to be prepared in the challenges that will come in the new and last grading period.

Long term goal

     My long term goal was to have a good start this year. Gain more knowledge in school. Be more confident in the right way, be strong if troubles came, and be a kind person. I will do everything to achieve my dreams. I will study harder to have good grades so that I will be proud of myself when I will graduate in high school and I can choose a good degree course in college and then I can get a good job that will improve my life better.             



Monday, October 7, 2013

Crossword Puzzle

Can I call this QUIZ??? This quiz is all about past tense and past participle. This is so easy. I got 29 out of 30 items. I'm almost perfect, but still it was great.